Trends in Intelligent Robotics, Automation, and Manufacturing [electronic resource] : First International Conference, IRAM 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 28-30, 2012. Proceedings / edited by S. G. Ponnambalam, Jussi Parkkinen, Kuppan Chetty Ramanathan.
By: Ponnambalam, S. G [editor.].
Contributor(s): Parkkinen, Jussi [editor.] | Ramanathan, Kuppan Chetty [editor.] | SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type:
Springer eBooksSummary: This book constitutes the proceedings of the First International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Manufacturing, IRAM 2012, held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in November 2012. The 64 revised full papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 102 initial submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections named: mobile robots, intelligent autonomous systems, robot vision and robust, autonomous agents, micro, meso and nano-scale automation and assembly, flexible manufacturing systems, CIM and micro-machining, and fabrication techniques.
Intelligent Robotics -- A Heuristic Approach towards Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance Control of Planar Manipulator -- A Nonlinear Disturbance Observer Based Adaptive Control Scheme for an Underwater Manipulator -- Obstacle Avoidance Using Multi-Point Potential Field Approach for an Underactuated Flat-Fish Type AUV in Dynamic Environment -- Synchronizing Multi-robots in Switching between Different Formations Tasks While Tracking a Line -- Reconfigurable Stewart Platform for Vibration Isolation -- Posture Estimation Strategy for Multi Robot System Based on Visual Perception and Optical Pointer -- Fuzzy Membership Scaling Mechanisms for Mobile Robot Behaviours -- Adaptive Speed Control for Autonomous Mobile Robot Using Fuzzy Logic Controller -- A Braitenberg Approach to Mobile Robot Navigation in Unknown Environments -- SCARA Robot: Modeled, Simulated, and Virtual-Reality Verified -- Real Time Mobile Robot Navigation of Virtually Created Environments -- GUI Teaching Pendant Development for a 6 Axis Articulated Robot -- UTHM HAND: Kinematics behind the Dexterous Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand -- An Efficient Grid Based Navigation of Wheeled Mobile Robots Based on Visual Perception -- Bond Graph Based Unified Modeling Framework for Aerial Service Robots -- Waypoint Navigated Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Autopilot System -- A Study on Vehicle Lateral Motion Control Using DGPS/RTK -- Van Der Pol Central Pattern Generator (VDP-CPG) Model for Quadruped Robot -- Twin-Hull URRG Blimp Control for Low Altitude Surveillance Application -- Drag Analysis of URRG Vertical Profiler (UVP) Using Integration of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Design of Experiments (DOE) -- Biologically Inspired Architecture for Spatiotemporal Learning of Mobile Robots -- Analysis of Electrocardiogram (ECG) Signals for Human Emotional Stress Classification -- Kinematics and Kinetics Studies on Upper Extremity during Walking Frame Ambulation -- Investigation on Upper Limb’s Muscle Utilizing EMG Signal -- Genetic Algorithm and Bayesian Linear Discriminant Analysis Based Channel Selection Method for P300 BCI -- EMG Signal Based Human Stress Level Classification Using Wavelet Packet Transform -- Controlling of a Biped System Using SSC Visual Sequencer -- Cordless Cart Follower for Wheelchair User -- A Brief Introduction to Intrusion Detection System -- Automation -- Experimental Investigations on Piezoelectric Based Prototype Actuator.-Development of Mechanical Actuator for Deep-Hole Measurement System -- D-Fuzzy Logic Controller Design for Position Control of Intelligent Pneumatic Actuator System -- Design of an Acceleration Sensor Embedded RFID (SE-RFID) Tag for Highway Guardrail Monitoring -- From Cloud Computing to Cloud Manufacturing Excution Assembly System -- Transient Analysis of Structronics Shell -- Free Vibration Analysis of Structronics Shell -- Improvement of Actuation Speed of Hydraulic Cylinders: Using Novel Flow Control Valve System -- Optimum Speed Using Evolutionary Algorithms for Induction Motor Drive -- DICOM Image Authentication and Encryption Based on RSA and AES Algorithms -- Rain Removal in Image Sequence Using Sparse Coding -- A Decentralized Resource Monitoring System Using Structural, Context and Process Information -- Manufacturing -- Influence of Substrate Temperature, Pressure and Grit Size on Synthesis of SiC Thin Film by Pulsed Laser Deposition Technique -- Influence of Sb Coated Substrates in Development of Vertical and Random Oriented ZnO Nanostructures for UV LED Application Using Nano Particle Assisted Pulsed Laser Deposition -- Intelligent Design of a Flexible Cell Layout with Maximum Stability in a Stochastic Dynamic Situation -- A Web-Based Manufacturing Execution System for Industry Services and Supply Chain Management: Application to Real-Time Process Virtual Monitoring -- Implementation of Multi Objective Fuzzy Integer Programming Technique by Using Suppy Chain Management -- Integrated Layout Design Approach for Cellular Manufacturing System -- Hot Corrosion Studies on Gas Tungsten Arc Welded AISI 304 and AISI 4140 Dissimilar Joints -- A Comparative Study of Oxidation and Hot Corrosion of Electron -- Beam Welded Low Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel in Different Corrosive Environments -- Hot Corrosion Behavior of Dissimilar GTA Welded Monel 400 and AISI 304 -- Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of Friction Stir Welded Copper -- Self-healing Ability of Structural Ceramics – A Review -- Effect of Tool Nose Profile Tolerance on Surface Roughness in Precision Turning -- Effects of Cutting and Vibration Parameters on Transient Cutting Force in Elliptical Vibration Cutting -- Supplier Selection: Reliability Based Total Cost of Ownership Approach Using Cuckoo Search -- Enhancing Internal Quality of the Software Using Intelligence Code Evaluator -- Enhancing Quality Using FEAROM Model for Finalizing a Casting Product Methods Design in Preproduction Trials -- Modeling and Analysis on Deformation Behavior for AA 6061 through Equal Channel Angular Pressing Die.
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