The Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy (CFL) Condition [electronic resource] : 80 Years After Its Discovery / edited by Carlos A. de Moura, Carlos S. Kubrusly.
By: de Moura, Carlos A [editor.].
Contributor(s): Kubrusly, Carlos S [editor.] | SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type:
Foreword -- Stability of Different Schemes -- Mathematical Intuition: Poincaré, Pólya, Dewey.- Three-dimensional Plasma Arc Simulation using Resistive MHD -- A Numerical Algorithm for Ambrosetti-Prodi Type Operators -- On the Quadratic Finite Element Approximation of 1-D Waves: Propagation, Observation, Control, and Numerical Implementation -- Space-Time Adaptive Mutilresolution Techniques for Compressible Euler Equations -- A Framework for Late-time/stiff Relaxation Asymptotics -- Is the CFL Condition Sufficient? Some Remarks -- Fast Chaotic Artificial Time Integration -- Appendix A -- Hans Lewy's Recovered String Trio -- Appendix B -- Appendix C -- Appendix D.
This volume comprises a carefully selected collection of articles emerging from and pertinent to the 2010 CFL-80 conference in Rio de Janeiro, celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy (CFL) condition. A major result in the field of numerical analysis, the CFL condition has influenced the research of many important mathematicians over the past eight decades, and this work is meant to take stock of its most important and current applications. The Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy (CFL) Condition: 80 Years After its Discovery will be of interest to practicing mathematicians, engineers, physicists, and graduate students who work with numerical methods. Contributors: U. Ascher B. Cockburn E. Deriaz M.O. Domingues S.M. Gomes R. Hersh R. Jeltsch D. Kolomenskiy H. Kumar L.C. Lax P. Lax P. LeFloch A. Marica O. Roussel K. Schneider J. Tiexeira Cal Neto C. Tomei K. van den Doel E. Zuazua
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