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Sustaining TEL: From Innovation to Learning and Practice [electronic resource] : 5th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2010, Barcelona, Spain, September 28 - October 1, 2010. Proceedings / edited by Martin Wolpers, Paul A. Kirschner, Maren Scheffel, Stefanie Lindstaedt, Vania Dimitrova.

By: Wolpers, Martin [editor.].
Contributor(s): Kirschner, Paul A [editor.] | Scheffel, Maren [editor.] | Lindstaedt, Stefanie [editor.] | Dimitrova, Vania [editor.] | SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Lecture Notes in Computer Science: 6383Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010Description: XI, 649p. 152 illus. online resource.Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9783642160202.Subject(s): Computer science | Computer Communication Networks | Database management | Data mining | Information storage and retrieval systems | Information systems | Artificial intelligence | Computer Science | Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet) | Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics) | Information Storage and Retrieval | Computer Communication Networks | Database Management | Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryDDC classification: 005.7 Online resources: Click here to access online
Section 1. Invited Papers -- Tackling HCI Challenges of Creating Personalised, Pervasive Learning Ecosystems -- Section 2. Full Papers -- Maintaining Continuity of Inquiry Learning Experiences across Contexts: Teacher’s Management Strategies and the Role of Technology -- Ultra-Personalization and Decentralization: The Potential of Multi-Agent Systems in Personal and Informal Learning -- Learning Spaces as Representational Scaffolds for Learning Conceptual Knowledge of System Behaviour -- Investigating Teachers’ Understanding of IMS Learning Design: Yes They Can! -- Task Performance vs. Learning Outcomes: A Study of a Tangible User Interface in the Classroom -- Content, Social, and Metacognitive Statements: An Empirical Study Comparing Human-Human and Human-Computer Tutorial Dialogue -- Authenticity in Learning Game: How It Is Designed and Perceived -- Orchestrating Learning Using Adaptive Educational Designs in IMS Learning Design -- Management of Assessment Resources in a Federated Repository of Educational Resources -- Knowledge Maturing Activities and Practices Fostering Organisational Learning: Results of an Empirical Study -- Demands of Modern PLEs and the ROLE Approach -- How to Share and Reuse Learning Resources: The ARIADNE Experience -- Towards Improved Support for Adaptive Collaboration Scripting in IMS LD -- Providing Varying Degrees of Guidance for Work-Integrated Learning -- Automatic Detection of Local Reuse -- Developing and Validating a Rigorous and Relevant Model of VLE Success: A Learner Perspective -- The Design of Teacher Assistance Tools in an Exploratory Learning Environment for Mathematics Generalisation -- Representing the Spaces When Planning Learning Flows -- Studying the Factors Influencing Automatic User Task Detection on the Computer Desktop -- Learning 2.0 Promoting Innovation in Formal Education and Training in Europe -- Extended Explicit Semantic Analysis for Calculating Semantic Relatedness of Web Resources -- Leveraging Semantic Technologies for Harmonization of Individual and Organizational Learning -- Learning from Erroneous Examples: When and How Do Students Benefit from Them? -- Enhancing the Learning Process: Qualitative Validation of an Informal Learning Support System Consisting of a Knowledge Discovery and a Social Learning Component -- Section 3. Short Papers -- Pattern-Mediated Knowledge Exchange in Non-Governmental Organizations -- Modelling a Stakeholder Community via a Social Platform: The Case of -- Scenario-Based Multi-User Virtual Environments: Productive Failure and the Impact of Structure on Learning -- Experimentation and Results for Calibrating Automatic Diagnosis Belief Linked to Problem Solving Modalities: A Case Study in Electricity -- Exploring Mediums of Pedagogical Support in an across Contexts Mobile Learning Activity -- Overview and Preliminary Results of Using PolyCAFe for Collaboration Analysis and Feedback Generation -- A Framework for the Domain-Independent Collection of Attention Metadata -- Who Students Interact With? A Social Network Analysis Perspective on the Use of Twitter in Language Learning -- Conditions and Effects of Teacher Collaboration within a Blended Professional Development Program for Technology Integration -- Enhancing Learning with Off-Task Social Dialogues -- Section 4. Poster Papers -- Audience Interactivity as Leverage for Effective Learning in Gaming Environments for Dome Theaters -- Free-Riding in Collaborative Diagrams Drawing -- Affordances of Presentations in Multi-Display Learning Spaces for Supporting Small Group Discussion -- Recommending Learning Objects According to a Teachers’ Contex Model -- Preferences in Multiple-View Open Learner Models -- Supporting Free Collaboration and Process-Based Scripts in PoEML -- A Simple E-learning System Based on Classroom Competition -- Computerized Evaluation and Diagnosis of Student’s Knowledge Based on Bayesian Networks -- An Interoperable ePortfolio Tool for All -- Disaster Readiness through Education - Training Soft Skills to Crisis Units by Means of Serious Games in Virtual Environments -- Ambient Displays and Game Design Patterns -- PWGL, Towards an Open and Intelligent Learning Environment for Higher Music Education -- Vicarious Learning from Tutorial Dialogue -- Computer-Supported Argumentation Learning: A Survey of Teachers, Researchers, and System Developers -- End-User Visual Design of Web-Based Interactive Applications Making Use of Geographical Information: The WINDMash Approach -- Supporting Reflection in an Immersive 3D Learning Environment Based on Role-Play -- Facilitating Effective Exploratory Interaction: Design and Evaluation of Intelligent Support in MiGen -- GVIS: A Facility for Adaptively Mashing Up and Representing Open Learner Models -- Introducing a Social Backbone to Support Access to Digital Resources -- Towards an Ergonomics of Knowledge Systems: Improving the Design of Technology Enhanced Learning -- Using Personal Professional Networks for Learning in Social Work: Need for Insight into the Real-World Context -- Deep Learning Design for Sustainable Innovation within Shifting Learning Landscapes -- Evaluation of the Software “e3-Portfolio” in the Context of the Study Program “Problem-Solving Competencies” -- Components of a Research 2.0 Infrastructure -- Exploring the Benefits of Open Standard Initiatives for Supporting Inquiry-Based Science Learning -- Monitoring and Analysing Students’ Systematic Behaviour – The SCY Pedagogical Agent Framework -- Section 5. Demonstration Papers -- iAPOSDLE – An Approach to Mobile Work-Integrated Learning -- A Haptic-Based Framework for Chemistry Education -- Intelligent Tutoring with Natural Language Support in the Beetle II System -- ScenEdit: An Intention-Oriented Authoring Environnment to Design Learning Scenarios -- Skill-Based Scouting of Open Management Content -- The Complexity of Integrating Technology Enhanced Learning in Special Math Education – A Case Study -- TAO – A Versatile and Open Platform for Technology-Based Assessment.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2010, held in Barcelona, Spain, in September/October 2010. The 24 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 150 submissions. The book also includes 10 short papers, 26 poster papers, 7 demonstration papers and one 1 invited paper.
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