Securing Wireless Communications at the Physical Layer [electronic resource] / edited by Ruoheng Liu, Wade Trappe.
By: Liu, Ruoheng [editor.].
Contributor(s): Trappe, Wade [editor.] | SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type:
Secrecy Capacity of Independent Parallel Channels -- Obtaining Secrecy through Intentional Uncertainty -- Distributed Secret Sharing over the Gaussian Interference Wiretap Channel -- Cooperative Jamming: The Tale of Friendly Interference for Secrecy -- Hybrid-ARQ Schemes for Reliable and Secret Wireless Communications -- Secret Communication Under Channel Uncertainty -- Cooperative Secrecy in Wireless Communications -- Source Coding under Secrecy Constraints -- Secret Key Extraction from Level Crossings over Unauthenticated Wireless Channels -- Secret Key Generation Among Multiple Terminals with Applications to Wireless Systems -- Secret Key Agreement Techniques based on Multipath Propagation Characteristics -- Secret Communication over Fading Channels -- Fingerprints in the Ether: Channel-Based Authentication -- Message Authentication: Information Theoretic Bounds -- Trusted Cooperative Transmissions: Turning a Security Weakness into a Security Enhancement -- Modulation Forensics for Wireless Digital Communications in Frequency-Selective Fading Channels.
Wireless systems are becoming increasingly pervasive and securing these systems has been challenging, in large part due to the unique properties associated with wireless communications. Securing these networks has traditionally been approached by taking a conventional approach involving cryptographic protocols. Such an approach inherently seeks to secure the wireless network at the link layer and above, and consequently fails to leverage the most unique characteristic of wireless communication: its physical layer. Securing Wireless Communications at the Physical Layer is a compilation of contributions by experts in wireless communications and security, and presents state-of-the-art results that examine the challenge of introducing security at the physical layer of a wireless system. Throughout this book there is an underlying theme that the rich multipath environment that is typical of wireless scenarios supports the establishment of new security services at the physical layer, including new mechanisms that establish cryptographic keys, that support communication with assured confidentiality, and that can authenticate transmitters in mobile environments. The book takes a holistic approach to covering topics related to physical layer security solutions, with contributions ranging from the theoretical underpinnings behind secure communications to practical systems validations that have been performed on real wireless systems. The book also covers topics related to ensuring that cooperative wireless communications at the physical layer is trustworthy. Additionally, the emerging area of modulation forensics, whereby a device is able to identify the modulation format being employed by other devices is explored. Securing Wireless Communications at the Physical Layer will serve as a valuable reference to engineers and researchers in the fields of security and wireless communications.
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