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Whole Body Interaction [electronic resource] / edited by David England.

By: England, David [editor.].
Contributor(s): SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Human-Computer Interaction Series: Publisher: London : Springer London, 2011Description: XVI, 212 p. online resource.Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9780857294333.Subject(s): Computer science | Multimedia systems | Computer vision | Optical pattern recognition | Computer Science | Multimedia Information Systems | User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction | Pattern Recognition | Image Processing and Computer VisionDDC classification: 006.7 Online resources: Click here to access online In: Springer eBooksSummary: Whole Body Interaction is “The integrated capture and processing of human signals from physical, physiological, cognitive and emotional sources to generate feedback to those sources for interaction in a digital environment” (England 2009). Whole Body Interaction looks at the challenges of Whole Body Interaction from the perspectives of design, engineering and research methods. How do we take physical motion, cognition, physiology, emotion and social context to push boundaries of Human Computer Interaction to involve the complete set of human capabilities? Through the use of various applications the authors attempt to answer this question and set a research agenda for future work. Aimed at students and researchers who are looking for new project ideas or to extend their existing work with new dimensions of interaction.
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Whole Body Interaction is “The integrated capture and processing of human signals from physical, physiological, cognitive and emotional sources to generate feedback to those sources for interaction in a digital environment” (England 2009). Whole Body Interaction looks at the challenges of Whole Body Interaction from the perspectives of design, engineering and research methods. How do we take physical motion, cognition, physiology, emotion and social context to push boundaries of Human Computer Interaction to involve the complete set of human capabilities? Through the use of various applications the authors attempt to answer this question and set a research agenda for future work. Aimed at students and researchers who are looking for new project ideas or to extend their existing work with new dimensions of interaction.

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