Gerth, Christian.

Business Process Models. Change Management [electronic resource] / by Christian Gerth. - XVI, 218 p. 125 illus. online resource. - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7849 0302-9743 ; . - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7849 .

Introduction.- Background.- Intermediate Representation.- Matching -- Difference Representation.- Difference Detection.- Dependency Analysis.- Equivalence Analysis.- Conflict Analysis -- Process Model Merging.- Tool Support.- Conclusion -- References.- Evaluation Case Study.- Dependency and Conflict Matrices.

Driven by the need for a closer alignment of business and IT requirements, the role of business process models in the development of enterprise software systems has increased continuously. Similar to other software artifacts, process models are developed and refined in team environments by several stakeholders, resulting in different versions. These versions need to be merged in order to obtain an integrated process model. Existing solutions to this basic problem in the field of software configuration management are mainly limited to textual documents, e.g., source code. This monograph presents a generally applicable framework for process model change management, which provides easy-to-use comparison and merging capabilities for the integration of different process model versions. The framework supports popular modeling languages such as BPMN, BPEL, or UML Activity Diagrams. Differences between process models are represented in terms of intuitive, high-level change operations. Equipped with a sophisticated analysis of dependencies and a semantic-aware computation of conflicts between differences, the framework constitutes a comprehensive and practically usable solution for process model change management in the model-driven development of enterprise software systems.


10.1007/978-3-642-38604-6 doi

Computer science.
Software engineering.
Information storage and retrieval systems.
Information Systems.
Computer Science.
Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet).
Software Engineering.
Computers and Society.
User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction.
Information Storage and Retrieval.
Management of Computing and Information Systems.



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