Bonchi, Francesco.
Privacy, Security, and Trust in KDD Second ACM SIGKDD International Workshop, PinKDD 2008, Las Vegas, NV, USA, August 24, 2008, Revised Selected Papers / [electronic resource] : edited by Francesco Bonchi, Elena Ferrari, Wei Jiang, Bradley Malin. - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009. - digital. - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5456 0302-9743 ; . - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5456 .
10.1007/978-3-642-01718-6 doi
Computer science.
Computer Communication Networks.
Data mining.
Information systems.
Computers--Law and legislation.
Information Systems.
Computer Science.
Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet).
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.
Computer Communication Networks.
Computers and Society.
Legal Aspects of Computing.
Management of Computing and Information Systems.
Privacy, Security, and Trust in KDD Second ACM SIGKDD International Workshop, PinKDD 2008, Las Vegas, NV, USA, August 24, 2008, Revised Selected Papers / [electronic resource] : edited by Francesco Bonchi, Elena Ferrari, Wei Jiang, Bradley Malin. - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009. - digital. - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5456 0302-9743 ; . - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5456 .
10.1007/978-3-642-01718-6 doi
Computer science.
Computer Communication Networks.
Data mining.
Information systems.
Computers--Law and legislation.
Information Systems.
Computer Science.
Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet).
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.
Computer Communication Networks.
Computers and Society.
Legal Aspects of Computing.
Management of Computing and Information Systems.