Calinescu, Radu.

Large-Scale Complex IT Systems. Development, Operation and Management 17th Monterey Workshop 2012, Oxford, UK, March 19-21, 2012, Revised Selected Papers / [electronic resource] : edited by Radu Calinescu, David Garlan. - XII, 417 p. 143 illus. online resource. - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7539 0302-9743 ; . - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7539 .

Cyber-Physical Systems: Imminent Challenges -- The Global Financial Markets: An Ultra-Large-Scale Systems Perspective -- What Is a Care Pathway? -- Command and Control of Teams of Autonomous Systems -- The Risks of LSCITS: The Odds Are Stacked against Us -- Integration Architecture Synthesis for Taming Uncertainty in the Digital Space -- Social Networks for Importing and Exporting Security -- CScale – A Programming Model for Scalable and Reliable Distributed Applications -- Foundations and Tools for End-User Architecting -- Evolving Delta-Oriented Software Product Line Architectures -- Multi-view Modeling and Pragmatics in 2020: Position Paper on Designing Complex Cyber-Physical Systems -- View-Based Development of a Simulation Framework for Multi-disciplinary Environmental Modelling --  Revealing Complexity through Domain-Specific Modelling and Analysis -- Information Requirements for Enterprise Systems -- A Counterexample-Based Incremental and Modular Verification Approach -- Compositional Reverification of Probabilistic Safety Properties for Large-Scale Complex IT Systems -- Extreme Symmetries in Complex Distributed Systems: The Bag-Oriented Approach -- Towards Communication-Based Steering of Complex Distributed Systems -- Evolution, Adaptation, and the Quest for Incrementality -- Independent Implementability of Viewpoints -- Understanding Specification Languages through Their Model Theory.

This book presents the thoroughly refereed and revised post-workshop proceedings of the 17th Monterey Workshop, held in Oxford, UK, in March 2012. The workshop explored the challenges associated with the Development, Operation and Management of Large-Scale complex IT Systems. The 21 revised full papers presented were significantly extended and improved by the insights gained from the productive and lively discussions at the workshop, and the feedback from the post-workshop peer reviews.


10.1007/978-3-642-34059-8 doi

Computer science.
Computer Communication Networks.
Software engineering.
Information Systems.
Computer Science.
Software Engineering.
Computer Communication Networks.
Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet).
Management of Computing and Information Systems.
Programming Languages, Compilers, Interpreters.
Computers and Society.



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